
WHat's Happening Now

Friday, September 27, 2024

HNSDoH Status page

I've just written a custom status page for HNSDoH in order to fully monitor the HNSDoH nodes. My previous uptime service did not offer per node DNS, DoH or DoT checking. With my new version, I check each node to verify DNS, DoH and DoT are all working. In addition, the page will verify the SSL certificates to alert of any expiring certificates.
Visit HNSDoH Status

HNS Ledger Renew Script

I finally had the time to finish my renewal script for Handshake domains stored on a Ledger hardware wallet. If you are using Bob wallet with a Ledger device, have a look and let me know if you have any issues getting it to work.
Git Repo


I've finished my mid-semester break so have started back at university. I'll be fairly busy as all my assessments will be coming up in the next few weeks.