
WHat's Happening Now

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Stables Card

I've been playing around with an Australian based crypto card company called Stables. They have competitive fees when converting USDC to AUD to spend in person. I love how easy it is to top up. Have a look at this video showing a top up using the Noble chain here.

Handshake Chats 

Handshake has been discussing a fork which has a few opposing proposals. Have a listen to a few of these videos to hear about the latest ideas.
First CallSecond Call


I've been on uni break this week so I've been customising my laptop. I've replaced my terminal emulator from Konsole (the default KDE emulator) to Alacritty. I've also been playing with a terminal multiplexer called Zellij which I find quite useful (especially when paired with ZJStatus).