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Nathan Woodburn

IT enthusiast & Student | |

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Nathan Woodburn

IT enthusiast & Student


Technical Support Specialist • Namebase
Oct 2022 - Present

While working as tech support at Namebase, I provide technical support to users and ensuring a positive user experience on the Namebase platform. I work closely with the product and engineering teams to resolve technical issues, answer user questions, and provide feedback on product features and improvements.

In addition to my tech support responsibilities, I also serve as an active member of the community related to the Namebase service. I engage with users and build strong relationships with the community. This involves creating and sharing content, managing social media channels, and representing Namebase at conferences.

Through this role, I have developed strong communication, problem-solving, and customer service skills, as well as a deep understanding of blockchain technology and its applications. I have also gained valuable experience in community building and management, and in working in a fast-paced, dynamic startup environment.

Overall, my role at Namebase has allowed me to combine my passion for technology with my skills in customer service and community management, while contributing to the growth and success of a leading blockchain startup.

SMall BUSINESS Owner  • Nathan 3D Printing Service
Feb 2020 - Dec 2023

Launched and grew a small 3D printing and CAD modeling business. Managed all aspects of operations, including customer acquisition, project management, and financial management. Developed expertise in 3D printing technology and CAD modeling software, while building a reputation for reliability, professionalism, and innovation.

Audio Production • 1WAY FM
Feb 2021 - Dec 2021

As an part time audio production volunteer at 1Way FM, I had the opportunity to learn production skills to support the station's mission of providing community-focused radio. I worked with the production team to produce audio content for talk shows.

My role involved recording, editing, and mixing audio content. I worked collaboratively with other volunteers and staff to ensure the smooth operation of the station to give back to the community.


BACHELOR of Computing  • Australian National University
2022 - Present

Studying for a Bachelor of Computer Science from the Australian National University, a globally recognized institution. Developing a strong foundation in computer science and problem-solving skills through engaging coursework and collaboration with peers.

Discovering Engineering • Australian National University
Year 11 - Year 12

As a student in the Discovering Engineering extension course at Australian National University, I had the opportunity to explore the field of engineering and gain a foundational understanding of engineering principles and practices. The course provided an overview of the different branches of engineering and introduced key concepts such as problem-solving, design thinking, and technical communication.

Through lectures, case studies, and hands-on activities, I developed a deep appreciation for the role that engineering plays in shaping our world and solving complex problems. I also gained practical skills in using engineering tools and software, such as CAD modeling which I would use to build my business.

The course was taught by experienced faculty members and industry professionals, providing a high-quality educational experience and valuable networking opportunities. Overall, my experience with the Discovering Engineering extension course has given me a solid foundation in engineering principles and practices.

Home Educated
Year 1 - Year 12

During my homeschooling years, I developed a passion for technology and programming.
I spent a lot of time developing applications for problems I found, which helped me hone my problem-solving and programming skills.
Through this process, I learned to work independently and take initiative to find solutions to challenges.

My homeschooling experience allowed me to pursue my interests in a flexible, personalized learning environment.
I had the opportunity to explore computer science and programming in-depth, engage in hands-on learning, and develop critical thinking skills.
I also learned to manage my time effectively, balancing my academic pursuits with my passion for technology and programming.

Overall, my homeschooling experience has prepared me well for the challenges of pursuing a career in technology.
It has taught me to be self-motivated, disciplined, and adaptable.


C# Programming • Since 2016

Experienced in programming using C#. This includes developing Windows applications, debugging, and testing.

DNS & DNSSEC • Since 2020

Skilled in managing domain name systems (DNS) and DNS security extensions (DNSSEC), including configuring DNS settings, troubleshooting issues, managing records, and managing DNSSEC for zones.

Technical Support • Since 2020

Proficient in providing technical support to users, including troubleshooting, ticket management, and customer service.

Linux • Since 2019

Competent in administering and managing Linux systems. This includes system administration, command-line interface, and scripting. Experienced in using cloud servers for various purposes, including web hosting and docker containers.

Server Administration • Since 2023

I own and manage a dedicated server hosted in a local data center. Utilizing a Proxmox hypervisor, I efficiently manage virtual machines on the server. To increase security, I am running three separate VLANs with separate firewalls.


Judge & Presenter – OnChain names & IDENTITY Hackathon Vietnam - April 2024

Invited to serve as a judge at a blockchain-focused hackathon, evaluating applications built using Handshake or other decentralized solutions. Delivered a presentation contrasting Handshake DNS with traditional DNS, emphasizing the benefits of decentralized root systems for enhanced security and censorship resistance.

Presenter – HandyCon - March 2024

Presented on FireWallet, a Handshake wallet I developed in Python, designed to support plugin integration for enhanced functionality. Demonstrated how developers can create and add custom plugins to extend the wallet’s capabilities, showcasing its potential for both security and usability improvements within the Handshake ecosystem.

Presenter – HandyCon - March 2023

Presented a comprehensive guide on building websites using Handshake domains. Covered the setup of SSL/HTTPS using DANE (DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities), enabling secure connections without relying on traditional root certificate authorities.